138 Series casement window with screen,security bar

138 Series casement window with screen,security bar has the best accessories, the handle has a fine texture and is durable. The design of the security bar and flyscreen increases security. There is a wide range of styles to choose from.

For casement windows, the handle is the most important part. This series not only has exquisite handle designs, but also excellent thermal break designs. Together with the security screen and window screen form a perfect window.
Do you have that problem of wanting to open the windows wide to let in fresh air, but worrying about mosquitoes flying into the house? Installing screens on your casement windows will solve this problem.
The design of the fine mesh screen will not affect the original style of your decoration, which can effectively prevent mosquitoes and insects can also play a decorative role. Casement windows are made with good fittings to make your windows long lasting and durable.
You want a clear view of the night outside, but you don’t want the summer mosquitoes to bother you. That precision screen design is necessary. Casement windows can give you a better view of the night.
Regardless of whether you live on high ground or in a remote location, mosquitoes will always be a nuisance, aluminium casement frame window installing casement windows can solve this problem and even enhance the safety of your home.